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BlitzML API reference

This is the complete API reference for the BlitzML python package.

Training L1-regularized models

L1 regularization is a popular approach to training sparse models. BlitzML efficiently solves L1-regularized problems with a variety of loss functions.

Problem classes

class blitzml.LassoProblem(A, b)[source]

Class for training sparse linear models with squared loss. The optimization objective is

\tfrac{1}2 ||A w - b||^2 + \lambda ||w||_1 .

  • A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix) – n x d design matrix.
  • b (numpy.ndarray) – Labels array of length n.

Blitz tries its best to avoid copying data, but depending on the formats of A and b, Blitz may make a copy of these arrays. To avoid copying, follow these guidelines:

  • If A is dense (numpy.ndarray), define A as an F-contiguous array. The dtype for A should match ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_float, ctypes.c_int, or ctypes.c_bool—that is, A.dtype == ctypes.c_double evaluates to True, for example.
  • If A is sparse, define A as a scipy.sparse.csc_matrix. The dtype for A.indices should match type ctypes.c_int. The dtype for A.indptr should match type ctypes.c_size_t. BlitzML can work with double, float, int, and bool dtypes for without copying.
  • The dtype for b should match type ctypes.c_double.

BlitzML will print a warning when objects with more than 1e7 elements are being copied. To suppress warnings, use blitzml.suppress_warnings().


Compute the smallest L1 penalty parameter for which all weights in the solution equal zero.

Parameters:include_bias_term (bool, optional) – Whether to include an unregularized bias term in the model. Default is True.
Return type:float
solve(l1_penalty, include_bias_term=True, initial_weights=None, stopping_tolerance=0.001, max_time=31540000.0, min_time=0.0, max_iterations=100000, verbose=False, log_directory=None)

Minimizes the objective

\sum_i L(a_i^T w, b_i) + \texttt{l1\_penalty} ||w||_1 ,

where L is the problem’s loss function.

  • l1_penalty (float > 0) – Regularization parameter for L1 norm penalty on weights. When this value is larger, the solution generally contains more zero entries and Blitz generally completes optimization faster.
  • include_bias_term (bool, optional) – Whether to include an unregularized bias parameter in the model. Default is True.
  • initial_weights (numpy.ndarray of length d, optional) – Initial weights to warm-start optimization. The solver requires less time if initialized to a good approximate solution. Default is None.
  • stopping_tolerance (float, optional) – Stopping tolerance for solver. Optimization terminates if (duality_gap / objective_value) is less than stopping_tolerance. Default is 1e-3.
  • max_time (float, optional) – Time limit in seconds for solving. If stopping tolerance is not reached, optimization terminates after this number of seconds. Default is 1 year.
  • min_time (float, optional) – Minimum time in seconds for solving. Optimization continues until this amount of time passes, even after reaching stopping tolerance. Default is zero.
  • max_iterations (int, optional) – Iterations limit for algorithm. If stopping tolerance is not reached after this number of iterations, optimization terminates. Default is 100000.
  • verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to print information, such as objective value, to sys.stdout during optimization. Default is False.
  • log_directory (string, optional) – Path to existing directory for Blitz to log time and objective value information. This directory should be empty prior to solving. Default is None.


Return type:


class blitzml.SparseLogisticRegressionProblem(A, b)[source]

Class for training sparse linear models with logistic loss. The optimization objective is

\sum_i \log(1 + \exp(-b_i a_i^T w)) + \lambda ||w||_1 ,

where i indexes the ith row in A and ith entry in b. Each label b_i should have value 1 or -1. BlitzML treats other label values as 1 if the value exceeds zero and -1 otherwise.

Calls to solve and compute_max_l1_penalty use interfaces identical to the same methods in blitzml.LassoProblem.

class blitzml.SparseHuberProblem(A, b)[source]

Class for training sparse linear models with huber loss. The optimization objective is

\sum_i L(a_i^T w, b_i) + \lambda ||w||_1 ,


L(a_i^T w, b_i) = \left\{
  \tfrac{1}2 (a_i^T w - b_i)^2 & & \text{if}\ |a_i^T w - b_i| < 1  \\[0.4em]
  a_i^T w - b_i - \onehalf     & & \text{if}\ a_i^T w - b_i \geq 1 \\[0.4em]
  b_i - a_i^T w - \onehalf     & & \text{otherwise.}
\end{array} \right.

Here i indexes the ith row in A and ith entry in b.

Calls to solve and compute_max_l1_penalty use interfaces identical to those in blitzml.LassoProblem.

class blitzml.SparseSquaredHingeProblem(A, b)[source]

Class for training sparse linear models with squared hinge loss. The optimization objective is

\sum_i \onehalf (1 - b_i a_i^T w)_+^2 + \lambda ||w||_1 ,

where the “+” subscript denotes the rectifier function. Each label should have value 1 or -1.

Calls to solve and compute_max_l1_penalty use interfaces identical to those in blitzml.LassoProblem.

class blitzml.SparseSmoothedHingeProblem(A, b)[source]

Class for training sparse linear models with smoothed hinge loss. The optimization objective is

\sum_i L(a_i^T w, b_i) + \lambda ||w||_1 ,


L(a_i^T w, b_i) = \left\{
  \onehalf - b_i a_i^T w       && \text{if}\ b_i a_i^T w < 0       \\[0.4em]
  \onehalf (1 - b_i a_i^T w)^2 && \text{if}\ b_i a_i^T w \in [0,1) \\[0.4em]
  0                            && \text{otherwise.}
\end{array} \right.

Each label should have value 1 or -1.

Solution classes

class blitzml._sparse_linear.LassoSolution[source]

Solution class for LassoProblem.


Value of model’s bias term.

compute_loss(A, b)

Compute the sum

\sum_i L(a_i^T w, b_i) ,

where L is the problem’s loss function.

  • A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix) – n x d design matrix for evaluating loss.
  • b (numpy.ndarray) – Corresponding labels array of length n.


Return type:



Dual solution to optimization problem.


Duality gap between primal and dual solutions (which upper bounds the suboptimality of these solutions).


Objective value of solution.


Predict label values from feature vectors.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix) – n x d design matrix to make predictions for.
Return type:numpy.ndarray of length n.

Save model to disk.

Parameters:filepath (string) – Location to save solution.

Status of Blitz algorithm upon returning model.


Array of model’s weight values.

class blitzml._sparse_linear.SparseLogisticRegressionSolution[source]

Solution class for SparseLogisticRegressionProblem.

Except for the following additional method, interface is identical to LassoSolution’s interface.


Predict probability values from feature vectors.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix) – n x d design matrix to predict probabilities for.
Return type:numpy.ndarray (length n with values in [0, 1])
class blitzml._sparse_linear.SparseHuberSolution[source]

Solution class for SparseHuberProblem.

Interface is identical to LassoSolution’s interface.

class blitzml._sparse_linear.SparseSquaredHingeSolution[source]

Solution class for SparseSquaredHingeProblem.

Interface is identical to LassoSolution’s interface.

class blitzml._sparse_linear.SparseSmoothedHingeSolution[source]

Solution class for SparseSquaredHingeProblem.

Interface is identical to LassoSolution’s interface.

Utility functions


Load BlitzMLSolution from disk.

Parameters:filepath (string) – Path to saved solution.
Return type:BlitzMLSolution.

Parse files logged by BlitzML during a solve call.

Parameters:log_directory (string) – Path to directory containing log files to parse.
Returns:logs – Iterable over information logged by BlitzML. Each item is a dictionary of logged values.
Return type:generator

Stop BlitzML from printing warning messages to sys.stdout. By default, warning messages are unsuppressed.


Allow BlitzML to print warning messages to sys.stdout.